Laboratorio Calabria Jonica

CIP Alessandrino Via delle Ciliegie, 42, Roma

In the Calabria Jonica region, language and traditions echo the surrounding valley, mountains, and sea. This isolation has produced a rich variety of dance and music patterns that largely shape the region's rhythm. The tambourine and Byzantine-origin lira remain central to this legacy. Despite brief threats from economic developments, traditional music practices are now being rejuvenated. Nicola Pelle and Giulio Antonetti are engaged in preserving and promoting these ancestral musical traditions.

Musiche Popolari del Centro-Sud Italia

Centro di Iniziativa Popolare Alessandrino Via delle ciliegie 42, Roma

2 Dicembre 2023 Tarantrad è viaggiare attraverso il Centro Sud Italia accompagnati dai suoni e dalle danze legate alle tradizioni...